Call Announcement
ILGE Second Call for Applications NOW Open!
The ILGE network, work package 3 within the MEET project hosted by INGV in collaboration with the University of Roma Tre, CNR-IGG, and OGS, is pleased to announce the second call for financially supported Transnational Access (TNA) and National Open Access (NOA) to equipment and services from world-class Earth Science research facilities hosted in Italy.
TNA activities involve researchers (hereafter, “User/User group”) affiliated with institutions outside of Italy, while NOA activities are intended for researchers affiliated with Italian institutions only.
This call opens on December 1, 2024 and closes on February 7, 2025 (23:59 CET).
Proposals can be submitted at any time during this period. Accepted projects may begin as early as 01/04/2025 and must be completed by 31/08/2025.
Prospective applicants are required to read the full text call and review the ILGE TNA/NOA guidelines, the ILGE Data Policy, the Funding and Reporting guidelines, and the FAQ page.
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